The Superintendence of Casinos, in a period of no more than 48 months and no less than 36 months, beginning from the date of expiration of the current operating permits, must dictate a public resolution formally declaring the commencement of the process to grant or renew the operating permits.
For the purpose of providing relevant information to interested parties and the general public, through this website, the Superintendence will make known in a timely manner the characteristics and principal milestones of each stage in the Process of Granting Operating Permits 2020, through which it will award a maximum quota of 12 operating permits that will be available since July 29th of 2023.
It is the responsibility of the State of Chile to determine, as outlined in the terms delineated in this law, the requirements and conditions under which gambling and its corresponding betting can be authorized, and their general regulations, as well as the authorization and auditing of approved entities that develop them, and therefore, agreement upon the commercial use, on the basis of law and order and national security that its authorization entails. It is the sole responsibility of the Superintendence of Gambling Casinos to authorize or deny in each case the operation of casinos within the national territory. Article 2, Law 19.995

Quotas for available casinos
1 casino minimum in each region:
3 casinos maximum in each region:
24 quota maximum countrywide, notwithstanding casinos within the commune of Arica (number unlimited):
Casinos are not permitted to operate within the Metropolitan Region.
A casino is not permitted within 70-road kilometers of an existing casino.
*Restrictions indicated in Article 16 of Law No. 19.995:
The ones that participate in the current process.
Reservation Casinos: According to Law No. 19.995, there should be at least one casino per region, for which these have assignment priority.