The evaluation of technical bids, accompanied by the corresponding dossier indicating the weighted scored of each applying entity, will be presented to the Consejo Resolutivo, which will ratify and solicit their revision, or call for the completion of the evaluation, in which case, within a period of 40 business days beginning from the reception of the dossiers. Should revision of the scores be necessary, the Superintendence must respond within a maximum of five business days beginning from the request.
Once the Consejo Resolutivo as defined in the Terms of Tendering has adopted a decision over the evaluation of each applying entity, the Superintendence will issue a resolution on the proceeding, indicating the final weighted scores of each of the applicants and summon a hearing for the opening of the economic bids of the entities which obtained the minimum weighted score, that is to say, at least 60% of the total sum of weighted scores.