Within the five business days following the publication of the evaluation resolution, a public hearing for the opening of the financial bids is to be carried out, in which a representative of the Consejo Resolutivo will open the envelopes that contain the bids of the applying entities that have exceeded the minimum weighted score established under law.
At the public hearing for the opening of financial bids, the envelopes containing the bids will be opened and the Consejo Resolutivo will determine whether to grant, reject, or renew the operating permits of each applying entity that have exceeded the minimum weighted score established under law.
By virtue of article No. 16 of the law, which establishes that 24 casinos must function within the national territory, with a minimum of one casino in each of the regions in the country, with the exception of the Metropolitan Region, and the rest to be distributed on a national level, the mechanics of assigning operating permits will be carried out in two stages: the assignment of permits in regions with reserved quotas; and the assignment of permits on a national level.
Similarly, article No. 43, paragraph a) of the regulation establishes that the Consejo Resolutivo at the moment of weighing each submission for an operating permit must maintain one operating permit on reserve, with respect to each of the regions where no casino exist and no authorization been given to enact one.
For all intents and purposes, in the event of a tie in the amount of an financial bid for the same quota, the applying entity with the higher score for its technical bid will be favored.